Speaking at the signing ceremony in Abuja, P-CNGI Program Execution Coordinator, Mr. Folarin Oworu said the incentive came on the heels of the surge in petrol prices.
He said although the discount will start from 30 per cent, it may increase to 40% upon the conversion of all the fleets.
“We have all seen the surge in price to implement because of the increase in petrol prices.
“And now because of this conversion incentive program, we will ensure we pass on the savings to the customers.
” This 30 percent we are doing now, we are hoping when we have fully converted the complete fleet, maybe it can be reduced more than 40,” he said.
He said the conversion partners were up and doing to hasten the take-off of the discount.
The airport taxi operators own about 800 and the discount will become effective upon the conversion of their 50 percent.